Spelling Bee
15/16 mai
10 mots
10 mots
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15/16 mai
10 mots
100 points
R6 Midterm
35% semester Grade
(there are two parts for Midterm R6)
Part A. 100 points
due 27 mai 8:00 am
You find yourself behind the hidden door. Using 60-75 new vocabulary words and verbs (including reflexive verbs), create a video/slideshow presentation using one of the tools listed below.
It is May 29, 1789.... Wander about the palace, who do you see and what are they doing, what do you see as you wander from location to location and what are they doing?
Youtube Demo
Youtube Demo
Speak in the present tense.
Embed your presentation on your blog in order to receive credit
Part B. 100 points
Oral in Lab - 5/6 juin
You will be speaking for a couple of minutes about what happened on May 29, 1789 at the Palace of Versailles
Speaking in the passé composé
15/16 mai
10 mots
100 points
R6 Midterm
35% semester Grade
(there are two parts for Midterm R6)
Part A. 100 points
due 27 mai 8:00 am
You find yourself behind the hidden door. Using 60-75 new vocabulary words and verbs (including reflexive verbs), create a video/slideshow presentation using one of the tools listed below.
It is May 29, 1789.... Wander about the palace, who do you see and what are they doing, what do you see as you wander from location to location and what are they doing?
Youtube Demo
Youtube Demo
Speak in the present tense.
Embed your presentation on your blog in order to receive credit
Part B. 100 points
Oral in Lab - 5/6 juin
You will be speaking for a couple of minutes about what happened on May 29, 1789 at the Palace of Versailles
Speaking in the passé composé